Like humans, dogs are conditioned to cause and effect, whether positively or negatively motivated. We go to work because we get money. It is because your dog wants a treat that sits. After receiving a speeding ticket, you no longer exceed the speed limit. You corrected your dog for jumping on you so that he won't do that anymore.
It does not take us very long to reinforce or correct. It takes roughly 1.5 seconds! Imagine you've just gotten home from work after a long day. You notice that the trash can was raided when you walk into the garage. You see Max asleep under the table across the room, and you yell, "BAD DOG, MAX!"” You’ve just told Max he’s bad because he’s sleeping. If you watched him stick his head in the trash and told him no WHILE his head is there, your timing is effective.
This is unbelievably important. We can’t go to the gym once a month and expect to get 6 pack abs.
Consistency and repetition are a must-have for results, but also fairness for the dog. You can sometimes let them run out the door, but then insist on what to Do not wait until you go first. That will only create confusion and make it difficult for them to decide whether they should sit and wait or run immediately.
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